We know already about the ancient Silk Road that connected China and Europe for trading powerful black powder and silk. In return they will get great machines and technologies. Middle East countries took this as am advantage to trade their precious herbs and grains.
The idea of "One Belt One Road" (OBOR) came out in 2013 and have been announce in 2015. The main objective of this multi Mega Project is to improve trade relationship in the region. This gigantic economic collaboration project will benefits all the countries in the path that will potentially to rise 6 business corridors. The new era of globalization will change the existing global logistics business plan by economic strategy of the People's Republic of China.
Beijing will lend $8 trilion in 68 countries for infrastructure. For the exicution of the work have been made some groups of people not really find that they doesn't get enough from it and demonstration have been carefully handle by the government. Actually, this glabal project will benefits the aducated and skill people's and the effort to educate has begun in the early stage in all the countries involve. China will provide the jobs and the government involve in this new silk road will provide the skill workers for the jobs.

This new silk road also include power line and pipe line that can boost the need of the facilities. Hence China power company will go for global and the oil consumtion also increase and benefits Middle East supplier countries. In returns, China can sell more of their products that already known and consumed around the region. Their first step was to build their factories and outlet. Some countries need their Mining Technology so it will benefits the locals to work in such sectors. Many education centre have been build for the effort to provide a good and quality workers. Some locals start to learn Chinese language for them to work in China companies that give them a better pay cheque.
There are a lot of interesting business actities happen in Manzhouli, China. This city is growing become Crose Border Trade Zone between 3 countries (Rusia, China and Mongolia). Thanks to the "One Belt, One Road" initiative that makes trading activities much more easier and faster than before. Even cross culture in Harbin, China is so magnuficent. You can see Rusian speek Chinese and Chinese living like Rusian are so nice there.
New Maritime Silk Road
This route expend the train rail from China across India to the South and then shipped to Europe through Suez Canal. The planning is to make Perama, Greece as China Silk Road centre hub (in Piraeus. China have already start invest in Greece in 2006 befote the 2008 economic crisis China shipping company (COSCO) have bought half of Piraeus ship yard and operate twice the capasity from previous management. This port will be the key to Europe. Then Greece shipping company will transfer their ship manufacture to China for getting lower budget there.
800 Million Euro already invest in property and 500 Million more for further development of infrastructure (train cargo route). China also planning to build their factories at Perama because of increasing demand for China products in Europe. This make benefits for locals train company and the Greek.
Greece will have more benefits from China to invest for development of Resort Town in Hellenikon that will increase the job option for the people of Greece. This place has become Chuna people favorite location for their wedding cceremony As usual, there are some groups of people doesn't agree for the plan the protests are carefully handle bukan the government.
Egypt will be the gate way to enter African market as Cairo be the business centre to start the Chinese Economic Jurney. The demand of China products have increase in Cairo. Those cities already known have ancient trading history in Egypt from Middle East trader. China will invest in development of $45 Billion for the new capitol city of Egypt. Suez Canal also will be important investment to China. China will develop SC zone (world industrial trade zone) along Suez Canal that including world trade centre. More Chinese company' will set up their shop in Egype for reduce their production cost and give Egyptian a good income. Chinese firm (Jushi) now pay less tax (36% off) to Egypt government by making their products (fiber optic) there.
The different in culture will be the biggest chalange for many country involve. So Chinese Government with localities agree to build Chinese Traditional Centre so local people can learn about Chinese language and calture. Some of the local can even learn Tai Chi and Chinese Traditional Medicine.
- The projects needs a lot of political action between the countries involve.
- It provide education and jobs for locals people's hence improvement their waya of living.
- Benefits China need in natural resource , power consumption and manufacturing area.
- All 68 countries involve will have Million Dollars loan opportunity offer from China.
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